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Drusilla duKassen

Drusilla is the fourth child of the Kassen Klan, the daughter of Gagak and his third wife, Delilah, and half sister to Raven.

Like the rest of Gagak's children, Drusilla is a half-orc and has chosen a career as a ranger. Her initial training was in Skids Landing where she spent time learning from both the herbalist and local animal trainer. The guards at the compound taught her basic weapon and armour skills, and one or two of them normally accompanied her on hunting trips. For her own safety, as much as anything else, she was taught how to swim and how to climb.

Drusilla generally wears Studded Leather Armour and carries a buckler, and she prefers the Short Bow and Hand Axe as weapons. She is often accompanied by a pair of dogs, that she trained, with help from the specialists in Skids Landing. Dash is trained as a hunting dog, while Tyson is her personal guard dog.

She is slated to join Raven at Thistletop, where she will act as an assistant to Sir Robin and help oversee military matters, learning how to manage a unit of troops, while leading local area patrols.

families/drusilla_dukassen.1703505106.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/25 12:51 by johnb