JohnB's Games

Role-Playing, my way.

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This could literally be anything!

Inky's pages - Inky was a character in an RPoL game many years ago, and these pages were one of my early attempts at creating material to support a character. I knew absolutely nothing about gypsy style caravans or whittling when I started - which is probably very obvious from those webpages ;-) The game is long gone and the page is redundant, but ….

While it is described as an Enhanced Villa - this layout is typical of a Fortified manor  A Fortified Manor

This image is typical for a fortified Villa

This is a Mansion reskinned as a Caster's Tower House. It is a slightly modified version of a tower that I used for a sage who had an interest in the natural world. It iusn't set up as a business, but allows the caster to carry out their research and create occasional items.

This floor plan (along with a few ancillary buildings) could represent a Noble Estate reskinned as a Great Caster's Tower. It has a huge area dedicated to research and personal magic projects - but isn't set up for production of Magic Items on a commercial scale.

miscellaneous/start.1619510330.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/04/27 09:58 by johnb