JohnB's Games

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Hiyal (Land of Fate)

Hiyal is famed for its Coal, Iron, Steel, Weapons, Armour and General Metal Work. Items of this type can typically be purchased more cheaply than in other parts of the world - this includes Master Work Items.

Sakar, sometimes known as the Land of Fate lies across the Hann Sea from The Hann Empire (My western home-brew game world) and is based around a mash up of the Al Qadim setting, north African and Mediterranean motifs - with a bit of Lankhmar thrown in. As in the rest of my game world, it uses a mix of D&D, PF and homebrew deities. Use this link for background material on Sakhar

netherworld/the_land_of_fate/start.1714539885.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/05/01 07:04 by johnb