JohnB's Games

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The Game World

Netherworld is a bespoke world, based on the original Game Master's concept, expanded to cope with more players. The original world was a Nexus Inn (Wayfarer's Inn) with a few crafting resources available to PCs from one set of 3e games. We wanted it to work for characters from a range of d20 games - 3e, Pathfinder and Starfinder.

What Drives it?

Originally the home of a single, and undefined, Quasi-Deity The Keeper) who ran the Inn and had interests in travellers and the oppressed, with a TN alignment. As a reference we defined him as a Pathfinder high-tier mythic character - but without any real detail. We added a second, lower tier, PF Mythic character, (Nishka) who was defined as a Powerful Mage, a follower of the god of magic and a Divine Source, capable of granting spells in her own right. There were, of course, rumours that the two were lovers - but that was never written into the setting.

What Makes it?

Based on a vague mash up of the Pathfinder Create Demi-plane spell and the Genesis psionic ability from the 3.5 rules. Nominally powered and controlled by the The Keeper, it is HIS world, under his control. The Nishka drives some of the magic in the world - and (unknown to them) is Patron to those Adepts who don't have a defined deity, and are associated with magic users. (I don't like loose ends). The physical makeup of the world is based on the 10ft square building blocks of create demi-plane, and looks like a series of open courtyards with buildings around the outside. The 'sky' is often just ten feet above the ground, permanently overcast and misty, and generally separated from the world below by a series of stone arches (for the main areas) or pergola like wooden rafters (for less significant areas). There are a few other areas - caves, orchards that are roofed with by tree branches and one large open area - with a very low 'sky'. Some areas are 'bountiful' as per the create demi-plane spell, all are vaguely mutable - at The Keeper's will.

It gives a (more or less) consistent environment that experienced players will recognize as extra-planar and associate with a very powerful character - but not something that looks like an established deity's realm.


There are six main parts of the world.

Wayfarer's Inn

Is ill-defined and, for gamer purposes, is little more than a large Inn room, with a mundane serving staff - BUT it is also the place where you can contact The Keeper. He distributes quests, builds parties and is the primary source of off-plane adventures. It is set in a massive tower at the middle of the plane.

The Hub

A very large annular plaza that surrounds the Inn Tower which is the central meeting place and has entrances to PC (and NPC) businesses. It is filled with fountains, benches and 'traders carts' - that provide free food and drink to anyone who wants it. There are two main NPC 'buildings' accessed from The Hub. The Library, with a large collection of books, that is run by a sage, who acts as a research aid and a handled the day-to-day management of the physical area and residents of the plane. The Agent's Office, is a conduit for communication with the Nishka - her 'agent' buys and sells magic items and sets Crafting Challenges for the residents (Nishka is researching manufacturing in the plane)

The Wings

Based on wide corridor walkways, the wings provide support facilities and lead to planar portals - the prime method of Entry & Exit for the plane. One wing is based around a 'Garden' area, another leads to a cave complex, and a third is water based - they are all 'bountiful' and provide much more food than the population requires. However, as per create demi-plane, all this food is plant based. The fourth wing is completely different, and provides space for the accommodation blocks that house the every-day residents.

The Economy

It is almost invisible, but this plane has a very simple basic economy. Nuts, fruit, cereal and fungi all grow naturally and abundantly in the Wings - thanks to the 'Bountiful' function of the create demi-plane spell. The basic population of low level NPCs, is predominantly, composed of travellers who have lost their way or been chased into areas that don't know, and have arrived through the Planar Portals (courtesy of The Keeper) They get free housing and free food, so long as they work - but there isn't all that much work to do, and most of that is light work when compared to heavy labour back in the Real World. Sure, they collect and distribute food, sweep, clean and … that's about it. Almost a heavenly existence for many of the lower level NPCs that make up a fantasy world population. And a base economy that doesn't really impinge on anything.

There are opportunities for the more ambitious - PC and NPC businesses all need trained staff, but we will come to that later.

For PC's can spend coins collected from the Real World on equipment and services, but there is also a system of Credit for income generated on the plane. Residents (PC and NPC) get credit towards developing their holdings and businesses - if they perform services for either of the two mythics or The Librarian.

Area Descriptions

The Hub

This donut shaped plaza wraps around the tower that is The Wayfarers’ Inn. The plaza itself has a lot of empty space, interspersed with fountains and stone benches. A dozen stone pillars rise from the tops of the walls to meet the tower, about 40 feet up, where it disappears into the cloudy mists of the sky. Four great walkways, the wings, head off at right-angles from each other. Named after the cardinal directions, the North Wing is right opposite the door to The Wayfarers’ Inn.

Perhaps most important are the archways around the perimeter of The Hub. One leads to the Library Courtyard, another leads to The Agent's Office, while a third leads to the homes of many adventuring PCs. Other archways lead to businesses of different types.

The Hub is the beating heart of Netherworld. People come here to collect their water and get fresh food from the various food carts. There are even some that sell prepared foods – such as Pumpkin Pie, Cornmeal Porridge and Mushroom Fried Rice. Others sell Pear Ale, and a more potent brew called Pear Shine. Note that other dishes are available as well, however, they all entirely plant based.

The East Wing

You leave the hub, and enter an open walkway, which is roofed over with the ubiquitous pergola rafters and overcast sky. Stone benches are paced either side of the walkway, close to decorative brick walls, and make a good place to sit and chat.

However, the benches stop and the walkway narrows, with the brick walls giving way to a rough stone. Soon, the roof closes over completely, and you are in a narrow cave, where the pale grey walls drip with water. Dim light comes from glowing mosses, growing in patches on the roof and upper walls, while the lower walls are covered in dark green moss and has strange-looking ferns cling to the bare rock. The cave floor is covered in a rich, dark loam, punctuated by loose boulders and rocks. A stone path leads between banks of mosses, ferns and fungi.

Eventually, the path leads into a smaller, drier, cave with a shingle floor. The dark cavern entrance, right in front of you, is a portal that leads to a cave on another world.

The North Wing

Shortly after you leave the hub, there is a small group of wooden benches then the paved footway turns into a series of stepping stones, marking a pathway through a large garden. Hedges, full of nuts and berries mark the garden’s boundary with a thick tangle of trees and large bushes, all with over hanging branches, take the boundary up to about 20 feet. The overcast sky, is obscured by various small fruit and nut trees scattered around the garden, while Grassy paths wind between fields of dwarf corn, squash, onions and other of vegetables. At the far end, a grassed area, surrounded by a low hedge, makes a place for adventures to leave horses or other animals that might accompany them. The hedges and the trees are home to small flocks of green and yellow birds (known locally as Budgies) and the occasional Red Squirrel. These are the only ‘wildlife’ that you will find on Netherworld.

If you follow the stepping stones, they lead into an orchard of pear trees, that is surrounded by a tight, impassable, hedge. 10' feet above you, the tops of the tree canopy almost block your view of the sky, although some light filters down to dapple the ground below. Almost every tree has a ripe pear, or two, hanging at a convenient height for plucking. As you look upwards, you see that the tangled canopy of branches is beset with nasty looking thorns and is thick enough to stop you climbing out.

You know that as soon as you leave the last stepping stones, you will be in a forest on a different world.

The South Wing

A group of stone benches, close to a large fountain, make a good place to sit and chat. The Fountain spews water into a large basin that is used by many locals as a source of fresh water, before it overflows and runs into a pair of wide, stone cut, channels on either side of the path. With perfectly square edges, backed by brick walls and open to the overcast sky, these pond channels look almost like small canals, except that they are full of rice plants.

Eventually, the two canals merge, and then flow together into the doorway of a large, flamboyantly coloured, tent that stretches from wall to wall. If you step into the water, and then wade into the tent, you find that you are up to your knees in the dark waters of a large pond. The water is dark, almost black, and difficult to see through, but you can sense fish … or something … swimming around your feet and lower legs. Almost before you know it, the tent disappears, and you are ‘somewhere else’. Still up to your knees in water - it might be a lake, a stream even the sea - but water on a different world …

The West Wing

The West Wing is shorter than the others, and little more than a formal walkway with brick walls, and pergola style rafters under a grey, overcast sky. The benches that line the sides, of this corridor like walk, are popular with the residents, but there is always a bench free for a conversation.

Just outside the hub there is a large archway, tended by a pair of watchmen in dark blue livery, who control access to the well-appointed courtyard beyond. The court has a dozen stone arches, holding up the overcast sky, while buildings line three of the walls. The apartments in this court are used as lodgings for the most respected and adventuring residents of Netherworld. Further along another court, less well appointed, holds smaller rooms for other residents.

The Wing ends shortly after the last residential court, with a blank wall and a door. If you open the door, you see a black void. If you step through, you step out of another door, somewhere on a different world.

netherworld/the_world.1676109496.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/02/11 10:58 by johnb