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The Far Flung Trading Company

The FFTC isn’t really a merchant house, nor is it a centrally managed business organization - rather it incorporates a number of Small Traders, Merchants and Ship’s Captains under a mutually beneficial umbrella - and is more of a guild or union. It does have a central office to co-ordinate over all policy, although most trade is managed though small local officers and most its members operate semi-independently, but as part of the larger network. As an organization, it tends to stay clear of the longer, more lucrative trade routes, and often operates with smaller vessels coast hopping and stopping at every port - profits are lower, but so, generally, are risks and running costs As the fixed infrastructure is owned by the FFTC, individual captains and owners have to take much less of a risk - although (as members of FFTC) they get preferential service. Passengers and other customers, have the advantage of knowing that there is always another ship, probably owned by someone completely different, available to take them (or their cargo) on the next stage of their journey. For those looking for less expensive transport and who don’t mind the longer journey times, it makes a lot of sense. In many small ports, the FFTC has little more than an agent, who knows where to find competitively priced warehousing, can negotiate a reduction on port fees, and can arrange onward passage/shipment. That said, it also has a number of land based facilities of its own, where members receive very competitive rates and services. For many small and independent shippers, it offers a straightforward business life, in exchange for an annual fee. However, it also owns a number of ships, leased to semi-independent captains, that provide the regular services which underpin their business model. No one gets rich from the FFTC, but members have access to good facilities, and a level of insurance against disasters.

It is also one of the first organizations to open new trade routes and often follows colonization efforts, to establish a foothold in any new territories. However, it knows that, eventually, it will be relegated to a minor role as the colonies are established, and the larger trade houses start showing an interest. While the majority of FFTC’s buildings serve the waterborne merchant trade, it supports a few land based trade trains, with agents and small serais, as well. Again, most of those are in low profit wilderness areas which don’t interest the larger merchant houses.


Full members are organizations who have signed a series of contracts agreeing to 'share' their resources with other FFTC members. There may be fees involved, but mostly these just cover costs rather than make a profit for the owners. Most costs, however, are covered by reciprocal agreements between the members.

Associate Members pay a small percentage of their take to FFTC on a regular basis. For this, they get all the advantages described above. Even the Independent Captains who lease FFTC ships are classed as associate members.

Pensioners are retired associate members who give their ships (or other resources) to the FFTC. In return, they receive a ‘share’ of the company and a pension. The more you donate, the larger the share you are given and the better the pension. It isn’t much of a pension, starting at 10gp/month, but it ensures that an FFTC pensioner will never go hungry. The larger your contribution, the more pension you receive. In most cases, pensioners will have other resources which add to their income, and very few must survive on that basic pension alone.

Pension is calculated at (roughly) 4% of the value of the resources used to buy full membership. 10gp/month (or 120gp/year) is 4% of the purchase value of a keelboat (the smallest donation possible to buy membership)

The full pension can be transferred to a surviving spouse, free of charge, although there is a fee (worth 25%) if the pension is inherited by children, or other relatives, of the original pensioner. With the monthly value of the pension reducing by 25% with each generation, and the monthly payment split between the various inheritors, it doesn't last forever. If a pension pay out would fall below 1gp/month, the pension is no longer valid and cannot be passed on.

The pension is paid annually, and to collect it, the pensioner must present themselves at an FFTC office (in many cases one of the agents offices) to collect their money.


The FFTC Board, is made up of representatives from the Full Member organizations and Original Pensioners (not people who have inherited their pension). All people who receive at least part of their income based on FFTC remaining as a successful trading group. Every Original Pensioner is entitled to attend board meetings and have their say - although some (as always) carry more weight than others.

Full Members

Full Members all control a shipping office, wharf, warehouse and multiple vessels.

  • The LAS Company. From their offices in Port Elizabeth, they link Southern Telida with eastern Sakhar.
  • Occidental Trading. From their base in the Faran islands (Western Telida), they work the route from Port Elizabeth to The Strongholds.
  • The Kassen Kompany. Based in Bime, they work the far coast trade route.
  • House Marisi, a small Celtic family fleet, operating out of Angasa, which trade as far as The Strongholds and Urgon. While the traders are all part of the same family, they operate as semi-independent traders
  • Al’Nisr Shipping, based in the Razardi islands cover the Far Coast states as far as Bime, and trade down to Finaroka and across to Sakhar.
  • House A’Dair, based in Porter’s Bar trade from Porter’s Bar to Port Elizabeth, and the East Telida coast.
  • Free Captains of Stilmouth - a semi-formal arrangement between a number of independent captains from Stilan in the strongholds. They trade down to The Faran Isles (in the East) and Urgon (in the West).
  • FFTC - owned ships, can be found just about anywhere

Assets breakdown

- ShipsCoasters Keel BoatsShipping Office
FFTC owned1 3 152 - Finaroka, Jekleal
Al’Nisr Shipping32 3 1 - Razadi
Free Captains of Stilmouth2 3 71 - Stilmouth
House A’Dair22 2 1 - Porters Bar
House Marisi12 41 - Angasa
The LAS Company 1 2 31 - Port Elizabeth
Occidental Trading0 231 - Farran Isles
Kassen Kompany0 121 - Bime

In general terms …

  • Ships - Travel quickly, over long distances, and can cross deep water comfortably.
  • Coasters - Travel slowly and can follow coastal routes over long distances.
  • Keel Boats - Travel slowly, carry less cargo and serve the local community
organisation/fftcdetail.1715947815.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/05/17 14:10 by johnb