JohnB's Games

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Initial Build Point


It is all about BP, and you don’t have any. So how do you get started? It all depends on what you want to do, and the situation you are in. Just make sure you talk it over with your DM first - you won't get anywhere without their co-operation.

Stolen lands Game

Starting BP

Every kingdom or business needs to get a start somewhere and that means getting your first BPs from somewhere. There are a number of different ways to do this, most involve spending money – how much money you need to spend depends on the location of your development. See this page

Whatever you decide to do, talk to your DM about it first and let them build it into the campaign.

Here are some thoughts:

Take-over 1: If you clear out a Bandit Gang from a wilderness stronghold, you could take it over and use it as a watch base to start your own stronghold. You might need to spend resources on it to upgrade it to something really useful later - but it is a start. Example

Take-over 2: The local lord might ask you clear out a bunch of Bandits from an old building in a rural area, and your reward is permission to develop it into a village. After all a lord-of-the manor who pays taxes is much better than bandits. You will need to spend resources on it to upgrade it to something really useful later - but it is a start. Example

Advertising: Excellent if you are trying to populate a new area. Use some of your money to pay for Bards to spread the word and send messages via sympathetic churches in a neighbouring country. This is particularly effective for recruiting settlers for wilderness and rural areas – they build the road and get a bit of land to build their own smallholding. The rest of the money goes on providing tools and other support for the first year or so. It works for Farmers, Miners, Fishers and other country folk as well. This is one way to buy a campaign development with GP. Example

Organisations: If you belong to an organisation you might be able to get funding from them. For example a religion might want to extend its area of influence, a Lord might want to expand his influence or protect a border. Example

Background: Sometimes a character’s background might be a source of BP. If your family is wealthy and you are on good terms with them - they MAY lend you one or two BP to start developing with. You will certainly be expected to pay the loan back, although they MIGHT NOT charge you any interest. This isn’t guaranteed, and will only be for a small amount and assumes that the character will champion the family’s interests. Example

Purchase: If you want to get started in an already developed town, you MIGHT find a suitable building for sale. Don’t expect it to find everything you are interested all at once. It costs a lot, See this page, and you will probably have to start off at the outsider price lists. Note

Loan: Sometimes, you might not have the money when you want to invest in some advertising or buy an existing property. In which case you might want to ask a bank for a loan. Assuming that you are trustworthy and reliable, they will probably lend you some money - however, this is an expensive way of doing things and you will have to pay it back, with interest, in cash. If you are really lucky you will find a fellow player (or significant NPC) who will lend you a BP for a small consideration.

DM Notes:

Key abilities in the kingdom system are Int, Wis, Cha – use the best bonus from those three abilities. A Character can never attract more that his chosen Ability Bonus of settlers as bp as a starter. After that all growth comes from within the rules.

  1. Be nice. Be on their side. When they find a ruined tower put it next to a river – that means they can settle other local hexes more easily. Maybe even let them find an Outpost, Fort or Keep instead. Let them find a disused mine in a nearby area, that can form the basis of a new development etc etc. Let the head cleric in a local town support the idea of colonisation/resettlement. Maybe the local lord has an illegitimate child he wants to set up somewhere? Help, don’t hinder.
  2. Remember it is a Role Playing addition and doesn’t really return any adventuring benefits – don’t charge them more than a few hundred gp to get started. However, do try to tie the early acquisitions in with an adventure rewards.
  3. To see how successful advertising for settlers is:
    d20+(ability bonus)+ (GPspent / 50) - - Result: DC15 = 1bp of settlers; DC20 = 2bp
    Let them take 10 on the roll, is they want to. :}
  4. Some religions will want to send settlers to build a shrine or chapel, but will want something in return. Erastil might be supportive, but wants the hex to remain rural. Followers of Abadar will probably want a town, or at least the promise of a town, to settle in. Pharasma might send someone to build a Graveyard. Other deities will have similar requirements based on their faith. Gorum might be more trouble than he is worth :}
  5. Benefactor:
    1. Stronghold - A noble might want a seat on the stronghold’s council for building a couple of social buildings, but might also want the right to develop an academic or commercial buildings.
    2. Town - A member of the town council wants to see a certain type of development in town, and arranges a free loan. Perhaps they even offer a starting discount.
pathfinder/campaign_systems/initial_build_points.1559995109.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/06/08 13:58 by johnb