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The Cavalry are all hand pick soldiers dedicated to their horses and mounted combat and are all 'combat' classes .

All cavalrymen are capable of looking after their own horses - however each unit will have one cavalryman trained With Profession: Farrier +5 and another with Profession: Stablemaster +5. Another is liable to have Craft: Cook +5

Light Cavalry

Light Cavalry are the 'quick reaction' troops of a conventional army. They are a cost effective way to get military support to an area quickly. Once they are there they use 'Hit & Run' to harass the enemy until the main forces arrive. Think Hussar rather than Knight.

My standard Light Cavalry are mounted on a light warhorses, although they can act as light foot if required. They are equipped with a studded leather armour and a light shield and are armed with javelins and a scimitar.

Standard Light Cavalry Profile

Heavy Cavalry

Heavy Cavalry are probably the most effective troops of a conventional army. They are expensive, but you can get powerful military support to an area quickly. Once they are there they use try to steam roller the enemy. Think Knight rather than Hussar.

My standard Heavy Cavalry are mounted on barded heavy warhorses, have a chain-mail and heavy shield and are armed with a lance and a long sword.

Standard Heavy Cavalry Profile

pathfinder/off-the-shelf/military/cavalry.1562532189.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/07/07 22:43 by johnb