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All military building come with some infantry troops. Like all standard troops these troop types are made up Warriors, although they are configured and equipped for a number of different roles.

As far as the rules go, it doesn't matter what sort of troops they are, nor what weapons and armour they have - they all count for one Defensive Point in the Mass Combat rules. Most private buildings come with House Guards as standard, while State Buildings come with Midmarch Standard troops. Tusk, Ringbridge and Oston have chosen to use Midmarch Standard troops within their defensive buildings. Training Establishments come with training units.

However, if you want your troops to be configured differently, you can either tweak the troop profiles listed here, or you can design something completely different. Just remember, the tougher the troops are, the fewer of them you get.

NOTE: These profiles are based on my house rule that NPC Classes get full HP at level 1

House Guard

These are L3 warriors who have generic skills that allow them to operate in a wide range of roles. In The stolen land game, they are the default troop type for every Privately Owned Building, except training establishments. This includes privately own mercenary barracks, Fortified manors and every other building with a defence value that is not owned by the state.

Tusk, Ringbridge and Oston have opted to use the Standard Midmarch Builds and distributions, as they are well suited to guarding and protecting towns.

You may, if you choose, design your own troops - however, that is really only worth it for RP purposes.

House Guard (CR2) Profile

Training Units

A 'Training' unit consists of a mixture of Cadets, Local Patrol and Basic Soldiers, generally under the command of an Ensign, rather than a Sergeant. They take part in the defense of their town or city, although don't have regular peacetime duties. However, senior students often assist other troop types as part of their training.

A 'Basic' soldier is fully trained light infantry soldier, but without the specialist knowledge associated with fully trained troop types. This is the last stage of Sword School Training - raw soldiers, with all the basic knowledge required to be a soldier - but they haven't yet specialized in any particular discipline. During this last months weeks of training they learn all the skills they need to progress.

Cadets and Local Patrol fiundertake training and fill the roles normally filled by Auxiliaries in other military buildings

Basic Soldier (CR2) Profile

Local Patrol (CR 1) Profile

Cadet Profile (CR1/2)

Midmarch Standard Troops (CR2)

These troop types are the default Midmarch troops that are allocated to 'state' buildings with defence capability. Tusk, Ringbridge and Olston have currently opted to use these builds for their troops as well. Other strongholds and residences are generally allocated the House Guard build (although it probably doesn't make much difference in the broader scheme of things)

The Midmarch Guards (CR2)

Guards are standard troops who are used to patrol locally, keep the peace, defend the walls and keep the Governor Safe. When the Guard are called, you know it is getting serious. However, they can be diplomatic when they want to be, and can lay down an impressive hail of cross-bow bolts when they need to.

Guards wear Chain Shirt, carry a Halberd or a Light Crossbow (although only one at a time) and have a Dagger as a secondary arm.

Guard Profile

The Midmarch Scouts (CR2)

The Midmarch Scouts are standard troops who are deployed for wilderness or remote patrols. They are based in rural and wilderness fortifications, but expect to be away from home (on extended patrols) for days at a time. While they will deal with small incursions, their main role is to keep their fortification safe and make sure that the news of any incursion or risks get back to HQ in a timely manner, they are generally set up as missile troops. Scouts have survival and stealth skills, but aren't particularly diplomatic. This troop type is normally used to patrol Wilderness hexes, including managed wilderness hexes, that are adjacent to rural hexes.

Scouts wear Studded Leather Armour, and are all armed with a Shortbow, Machete and Dagger.

Scout Profile

The Midmarch Marines (CR2)

Marines are standard troops who have been trained to fight on ships and boats. They are lightly armoured melee troops, who are tasked with repelling boarders or fighting their way onto another ship. Missile support is generally provided by the crew of the vessel they are assigned to, however each marine carries a bandolier of daggers to provide a short range missile capability. You need to own a jetty and boats (or ships) to be able to employ marines.

Equipped with leather Armour, Buckler and Cutlass, marines are the most mobile of all of the Light Foot.

Marine Profile (CR2)

Military vessels are crewed by Auxiliary Sailors.

The Midmarch Veterans (CR3)

Veterans are seasoned and experienced troops who have made a long term career in the military. When you give them your own flavour you can give them Medium Armour and any Simple or Martial weapon. These troops are good and do not come as standard in many Kingdom buildings.

My standard veterans wear Chainmail and Shield and fight with a Long Sword.

Standard Profile for a Veteran

Other troop Types

These troops still count as Light Infantry when it comes to working out mass combat stats, but they have been given different skills and feats to better represent their role in the game.

Henry's Company

Henry's Company are the troops of House leMaistre, they wear a blue and yellow patch in the same proportion as the leMaistre Estates flag. They provide protection to DELEM's mule trains and trade caravans, run messages or guard Henry's home and estates. A few, are issued with ponies to run messages or make caravan work easier, however they are not cavalry and don't fight from pony back.

Henry's Guards (CR2)

Henry's Horse [Mounted Infantry] (CR2)

Iomedae's Military Chaplain (CR2)

Warrior/Adepts trained at a House of Iomedae to serve alongside conventional troops.

Military Chaplain Profile (CR2)

Medium Infantry (CR3)

One unit of 'standard' medium Infantry troops represents two defence points. A unit consists of roughly 20 soldiers - there are 7 soldiers active at any time, while the others will be on rest or sleep periods. These standard infantry are L4 warriors who are equipped with medium armour and a range of weapons. You can train and equip your medium infantry however you like - so long as they remain CR4 troops.

The Midmarch Veterans (CR3)

Veterans are seasoned and experienced troops who have made a long term career in the military. When you give them your own flavour you can give them Medium Armour and any Simple or Martial weapon. These troops are good and do not come as standard in many Kingdom buildings.

My standard veterans wear Chainmail and Shield and fight with a Long Sword.

Standard Profile for a Veteran


Grayhaven Guards

Greyhaven Guards are heavily armoured melee troops, who are tasked with defending the settlements of Grayhaven. It is inadvisable to upset the guard in Grayhaven. They are armed with a heavy cross bow to use from the town walls, before they are needed for street to street defence.

Standard Grayhaven Guard Profile

Light Infantry (CR2)

One unit of 'standard' light infantry troops represents one defence point. A unit consists of roughly 30 people - there are 10 troopers active at any time, while the others will be on rest or sleep periods. These standard infantry are L3 warriors who are equipped with light armour and a range of weapons. You can train and equip your light infantry however you like - so long as they remain CR2 troops.

Light Infantry often have access to one or two Ponies or riding horses to run messages of get somewhere a bit more quickly. Infantry do not ride war-trained horses and a unit never have access to enough horses for more than one or two of them to be mounted at any one time.

pathfinder/off-the-shelf/military/infantry_troops.1580471453.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/31 12:50 by johnb