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Golden Brown


Once known as Red Dawn, she was a small scale pirate operation, that got a bit lucky, she was taken as a prize when the captain refused to pay a toll. The crew were dealt with, and then three strange clockwork beasts climbed out of the hold. The remaining crew opted to join Stormwhisperer as crew, while the ship was plundered and taken to Rickety's to be squibbed. She is based at Crab Island, as part of Captain Lysia's flotilla, and patrols the local waters, taking 'Taxes' from small vessels that pass through. She generally only takes 1/2 a point of plunder, or a 50-100gp fee from an empty (or fishing) ship.

Much smaller than most pirate ships, she is built light with large sails - and is faster than you expect. She doesn't carry much cargo, and doesn't need a large crew - but she can carry enough troops to intimidate smaller, less well armed vessels - she just needs to keep out of the way of proper pirate ships. While she can cope with the open sea, Golden Brown is happiest in shallow and sheltered waters, and is susceptible to damage in fierce storms.

  • SPECIAL Waterborne Speed 75.
  • DEFENSE: AC 6, touch 2; Hardness 5 - hp 550 (sails 75) - Save +4
  • OFFENSE: Ramming Damage 8d8 - CMB +16; CMD 26 (cannot carry siege engines)
  • OTHER: 10 Crew, Cargo/Passengers 40 tons/40 passengers
  • MODS: Light Build, Extra Mast (waterborne speed +20%)

Detailed Specification

Deck Plan & Crew

keelboat_-_dhow.jpgA Dhow is a very simple boat, it has a cabin for the skipper, and a single cargo deck below the main deck. The 'ceiling' is low, meaning most humans have to bend slightly, or bump their heads.
The crew cabin is at the back of the ship, below the skipper's cabin, and provides hammock space for the crew, as well as cooking facilities and eating space for everyone (including the skipper). Cargo is stored forward of the crew cabin.

  • Skipper - Barefoot Sam Toppins (CG, Female, Human)
  • Bosun - Tek Kulzur (N, Male, 1/2Orc)
  • Carpenter - Louise 'Shark Bait' Preston (CG, Female, Human)
  • -
  • Ship's Cook Hal Sandiman (TN, Halfling)
  • Sailing Master Lyre 'Windy' Salem (TN, Human, M,)
  • Leading Hand Jack Pugwash (TN, 1/2 Orc, M)
  • Leading Hand Gertie Silver-tooth (TN, Human, F)
  • -
  • Crew - 1x ex-Galley Slave, 3x Sailors, 2x Pirates
skull_shackles/goldenbrown/start.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/29 23:37 by johnb