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Residential Properties

Buildings to Let

You build these properties with the intention of letting most of the rooms and apartments out for a profit. You may, however, reserve one standard room or apartment for your personal use.

Manufacturing Developments
ClassificationNameCostSpecEconLoyStab Defence
ResidentialPassage Housing {★}000000
ResidentialTenement {★}101000
ResidentialApartment Block {★★}1.501100
ResidentialLodging House {★★★}2.501110
ResidentialLarge Tenement {★}202000
ResidentialGreat Tenement {★}303000
ResidentialLarge Apartment Block {★★}302110

Details of 'Star' ratings


Poor Accommodation – Residents live communally with a few shared resources. Many of the town's commoners live in this sort of accommodation.
★★ Average Accommodation - Less crowded accommodation, perhaps with a private toilet and a decent fireplace. Home to better off commoners and warriors.
★★★ Nice accommodation – Some private facilities and access to shared facilities such as access to a laundry and/or sauna. Maybe a single servant or live-out domestics. A suitable home for master craftsmen, professionals and military officers.
★★★★ Good Accommodation - Lots of good facilities all around and a hand full of servants, that is suitable for the upper middle classes and lesser aristocrats.
★★★★★ Luxurious Accommodation – most of the facilities, with lots of servants, that is suitable for aristocrats.
★★★★★★ Very Luxurious Accommodation - suitable for important aristocrats and minor royals.
★★★★★★★ Ultra Luxurious Accommodation - suitable for royalty.


Slumming It – very cheap rented accommodation.

  • Shack - a single room building with little more than a bed and a stool. Found in Shanty towns, Favelas and slums. No Toilets, cook over an open fire etc.
  • Passage Housing – Cheap housing for the workers. The passage is about 5 feet wide and perhaps 40 feet long. It is lined with rooms, three stories high, all reached by dark dingy staircases. Average room size is something less than 15×10 and they are rented out separately. The only facilities are a toilet in the yard. This is the standard housing that is built to accommodate workers when they arrive - just about every district has its share of these. Cheap to build and cheap to rent, they are built by 'invisible Investors' every time a new business is created. A block of 24 rooms could house 50 people. There are sometimes called Back-to-backs - as they only have windows on the passage side of the room. That means another passage can be built immediately next to them.
  • Tenement – Block of basic housing with a mix of dormitory accommodation and rooms of various sizes. Large rooms might have screens or curtains rigged to give separate areas and a modicum of privacy. Cooking in small fireplaces in the room, a few shared outside toilets. Ground floor is generally a basic business, such as a cheap bar, soup kitchen, second hand clothes, penny store, etc. This is the best value building for landlords – and needed because they provide an affordable home to most of the town’s workers. Think of building block arranged around a small dark courtyard - it is half a step up from passage housing.

In Business – reasonable rented accommodation.

  • Apartment blocks – accommodation blocks made up of apartments of various sizes – from family homes to a nice room for the discerning man about town. They have decent sized fireplaces, and enough shared toilets to go around. Much of the ground floor is given over to business – Possibly a grocer, tailor or offices. Better quality accommodation, for more successful of the city's workers.
  • Lodging House - Rooms and lodgings for the discerning lady or gentlemen about town. The house has a bathroom and sufficient toilets. The landlady will deliver light meals to your rooms, make sure they are cleaned and get your laundry done for you. A suitable home for master craftsmen, professionals and military officers.

See this page if you want to build yourself a house

campaign_systems_kingdombuilding/busorgs/residential.txt · Last modified: 2023/07/04 11:57 by johnb