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Questions arising from the Duelling Competition Threads - for sports duelling

Note: Characters with a number of classes will participate. So far we have had - Fighter, Swordlord(prc), Rogue, Paladin, Cavalier, Bard & Magus participate.

  1. Duelling Table = 15×15
  2. Duellists must start in opposite corners
  3. participants must be 'magic free' when they enter the table
  4. No external assistance is permitted.
  5. Weapons permitted - Light Blades, Duelling Sword, Falcata
  6. Weapons are MW and made of blunted steel (they do 50% Lethal and 50% non-lethal damage)
  7. Because weapons are blunted - precision damage is halved.
  8. Armour permitted - None
  9. Shields permitted - Buckler
  10. Initiative will be rolled for each round.
  11. Participants must submit one set of instructions rep combat round. They may not submit either/or instructions.
  12. Participants may hold their action, and concede initiative (for that round) to their opponent.
? Etiquette says you do not use spells or abilities that reduce your opponents ability to fight.
? Etiquette says you do not use abilities or techniques to disarm your opponent.
? What type of spells should caster's be able to use?
? What class abilities?
campaign_systems_kingdombuilding/people/games/duelling.txt · Last modified: 2023/07/04 11:56 by johnb