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Patron of Navigators and Psychopomp

Alignment: TN

Domains: Repose, Stars, Travel, Death (Psycopomp only)
Symbol: A Navigator’s Compass, Golden Road, Freebird

Takri is a Psychopomp Usher, interested only in guiding souls safely to the judgement and afterlife. She doesn't judge them, and she has no bias against worshippers of any divine power. It doesn't matter whether the souls go to one of the upper planes, lower planes or any other destination that is suitable for them, it only matters that they get to their eternal judgement safely. She has a minor interest in guiding the living through their life, but that is an 'extra' that her priests practice to show their own good intent.

Her main responsibilities lie in The Paths of The Dead, where she guides lost spirits back to the Astral Plane and the River of Souls. It is said that she travels in a great barge, rowed by skeletal petitioners, as she navigates the ever-changing turmoil of the Plane of Shadows.

There are three different denominations of Takri Worshippers, each with their own origin stories and their own ways of doing things. However, rituals are similar, and the main purpose is the same. Priests of the three denominations consider themselves to be part of one overarching church, and understand that they all get their spells from one divine source. The main differences are in the communities they serve, and the way their followers - after all, most priests are drawn from the community they serve.


Takri is normally depicted as a pale-skinned woman, dressed in common sailor's clothing, her wrists have 'bracelets' made of rope, with a loose end hanging down. She wears a wooden mask, in the shape of a seabird's head, that covers her face.

The Denominations

Takri the Navigator

Takri the Navigator is popular with sailors and seamen, and her main following is in the islands and along the coast. However, she also has a small following among overland travellers as well.

Lore: She was a sailor from a distant island, and was captain of a small vessel that traded and fished around the local coast. One day a great storm arose and sank much of the fleet, Takri managed to save her small barque by tying her hands to the steering oar, while her crew held on for dear life. However, her small ship was pushed further out into the ocean than any vessel had ever travelled before. For many years her vessel roamed the far seas, scraping a living from the few islands they encountered and surviving many marvellous adventures. However, eventually, even Takri and her intrepid crew tired of roaming, and decided it was time to make her way home. So she prayed and vowed to the gods that if they would guide her home, then she would spend an eternity as their guide in return. They took her up on it, and made her a demigod – and gave her the task of guiding the dead to their afterlife.

Takri the Navigator she is the patron of navigators and a psychopomp. Symbol: A Navigator’s Compass

Takri of the Golden Road

Takri of the Golden Road is a minor deity followed across Hann. She is not a major deity, but her priests can be found among trade caravans and other travellers.

Lore: During the earliest times the gods noticed that, after death, some of their followers souls were going missing. Investigations showed that the souls were getting intercepted by Spirit followers of the LE deities, and taken as slaves for their master. The gods' solution was to take the first passing soul and make it a demi-god charged with escorting souls to their proper place in the afterlife. Takri now oversees an army of Life Lights, small (TN) spirits who wanted some sort of purpose in their afterlife, who lead the souls of the newly deceased. Rarely does Takri need to get involved at all. Because of her role as a guide, many travellers make small donations and offerings to Takri before, during and after their journeys.

Takri the Guide is an important psycopomp, and minor patron of travellers. Symbol: Golden Road.

Takri, Freebird

Takri the Freebird is a minor part of the Sahkar Pantheon, where she represents the spirit of freedom in a locked down world.

Lore: Takri was a slave who had to stay home. She was fascinated by the stars and often climbed to the tops of the buildings to draw pictures of them and their layout. However, as a slave, she could never be free to chase her star-dreams. On her death her body was cremated as is customary, and her soul was visible in the smoke that rose from her pyre in the shape of a two-tailed free bird. She hasn't left us alone, and now helps guide other souls to their afterlife.

She is venerated as a psycopomp, a star-gazer and an icon of freedom.

Priests & Followers

Followers: Takri does not have many dedicated followers but most Mourners (during funerals) & Navigators (when they make a reading) will say a prayer, and make a small sacrifice, to her. In Sakhar, she is often petitioned for a moment or two of freedom, although she is rarely the main deity of anyone - even the slaves.

Priests : Takri’s priests are tasked with aiding travellers, both in life and death. They are mainly Navigators and Guides, with a few adventurers thrown in for good measure. Takri's Priests have access to two new spells: Summon Psycopomp (L1) & Hero's Grave (l3) - both of which can be found here. These are not bonus, or domain spells, but must be learned in the same way as any other spell.

Most of Takri’s priests are multi-classed, and their priestly class is often the junior class. Examples might include the farmer who assists at the local cemetery, who could be commoner-3/adept-1), the guide for the travelling show might be Bard-2/Cleric-1, an undead hunter might be Fighter-3/Inquisitor-2, a ship's navigator might be an Expert-2/Adept-2, while a pirate ship navigator might be Fighter-2/Cleric-2. Adventuring PCs can be single class, or multi-class, as they choose.


Doctrine Takri is mainly concerned with death, and the soul's journey to its afterlife, and she believes that the Undead should be helped to complete their proper journey.

Her priests have a number of responsibilities.

  • Obvious things
    • Navigating for ships and overland caravans.
    • Drawing maps of stars and routes between places.
    • Attending Funeral Services Notes
    • Putting Undead Down Notes
  • Less Obvious and, to some extent, depends on the denomination
    • Display charts and maps to help travellers plan their journey.
    • Display star maps. Observe the stars.
    • Putting up sign posts so that travellers know where they are and which way to go.

There are no great religious tracts or tablets of rules, rather each priest tells their own stories of journeys, funerals they have attended or help they gave travellers.


Takri does not have a formal church structure, each priest is expected to chart their own path to salvation - and who is to say which path is correct? Takri will offer guidance, when it is required, and sometimes even when it is requested. Takri shows her displeasure by obscuring signs, and making her priests lose their way, or be unable to interpret the maps and charts that they own. Finding a brand-new map (or chart), the appearance of signposts in unexpected places or even mysterious trail marks spotted by priests, are all signs of her approval.

Most priests operate with a small, portable, shrine dedicated to Takri - although they don't even need that to hold a service.

consolidated/religion/homebrewdeities/takri.1700377965.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/11/19 08:12 by johnb