JohnB's Games

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Building a home in Netherworld

Everyone in Netherworld has somewhere to live. The ordinary folk live in tenement blocks on the East Wing. The crafters have their own small cottages behind their craft workshops, the NSA has a barracks block, while Esmeralda has a small farm. Liliana has a casters tower, as does Nishka (although hers is much larger), the Librarian has quarters somewhere in the library and the Keeper, has whatever he wants. And our greatest heroes, the adventurers and defenders of Netherworld, have a room at the Inn. Now there is space for them to build their homes, be it a country cottage or a fully developed military stronghold - in Heroes Field, or Heroes Wood.

Netherworld Buildings - A list of homes available in Netherworld.

netherworld/building.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/20 09:40 by johnb