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Craft:Map Making

Drawing a map is a Craft Skill and can be used by anybody who has pen and paper (or the equivalent). This skill allows you to do a number of things. The Example (Right) are basic sketch maps. Relative distances and sizes are reasonably accurate, as is the orientation and layout. A party with this map would know what to expect :] However, it is probably only worth 1 or 2 gp on the open market – but it will be worth much more to the right person.

NOTE: This skill is all about making the map in the first place. Once the map has been created, it can be copied by scribes, artists (etc) at half of the DC shown below.

  • Map Quality
    • DC 30 – Top Quality (+2 Navigation)
    • DC 20 – Good Quality (+1 Navigation)
    • DC 15 – Usable
    • DC 10 – Basic
    • DC 5 - Riiight ……
  • Sketch Map. This is what you do as you are travelling around. A simple sketch with a few notes attached to it. You don’t have time or equipment for lots of detail or fine embellishments. If you can make a DC10 Knowledge(Engineering) check (You can’t take 10 on the engineering check) you get a +2 Circumstance Bonus to your roll. A sketch map is never better than Usable Quality.
  • Complete Map. Useful maps are often produced by stitching together a number of small sketch maps in to a map that covers a whole dungeon or region. If, for example, the Kobold Warrens were explored by three different parties, and each brought a map back – a map maker would be able to combine them into something useful. However, it needs another map making roll, as you have to combine maps with different scales, styles and different levels of accuracy into one. While you have to roll again, the final map can be higher quality that the highest quality sketch map that you have to work with. This includes most regional maps and town plans. A Usable Quality Complete Map is normally worth about 20gp. A Good Quality (or better) map is worth 50gp.
  • Enhance Map. While a sketch map is good for you, and your party, to follow – it doesn't look good in a shop window. It just doesn't look the part. You must have a Complete Map to work with, but if you make a DC10 Artistic Craft* roll, you can create a single map that is suitable for sale. The Enhanced map is as accurate as the Complete Map that you were working from – but it is consistent and looks good. A Good Quality Enhanced map is normally worth 50gp if you sell it direct to the public and 35gp if you sell it to a shopkeeper or merchant for resale. Higher quality maps can be more expensive.
  • (*) Artistic Craft Roll Craft(Painting) or Craft(Calligraphy) are the obvious ones - But Craft(Sculpture) would allow you to create a 3D model. Other skills might also be appropriate. Ask the DM :}
pathfinder/fst/map_making.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/18 10:53 by johnb