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Aristocrat Archetypes


Actually, I quite like the concept of an Aristocrat NPC class and it works quite well as it is - however, there are more possibilities. One thing is almost certain, they will have received specialist education and training, befitting their rank, somewhere.

NPC Aristocrat with PC Classes

A particularly capable NPC (ie a 15pt build) is able to progress in PC classes, and is not restricted to NPC classes. However, their aristocratic upbringing can be represented by the Noble Scion feat.

Feat: Noble Scion

Traditionally, aristocratic children who are not going to inherit titles go into 'The Church' or 'The Army', however some families might have links to specific orders of knighthood or other suitable organizations, such as a magic college or even a bardic college.

Standard NPC Aristocrat

This is absolutely brilliant for the son and (to a lesser extent) daughter, who is going to fill the traditional Aristocratic role of Military Officer or Leader. It reflects the early medieval role of European aristocrats who earned their wealth and maintained their position by strength of arms - and certainly has an important place in most fantasy games. In my games it generally means that the NPC has attended a military School, served an apprenticeship as a military cadet, been trained at home or been fostered in a Noble house of some sort.

NPC Class: Aristocrat

Aldori Aristocrat (archetype)

Aldori Aristocrats follow a different type of training, concentrating on light armour and the Aldori Duelling Sword. The more successful should, eventually, be able to qualify for the Swordlord PRC class.

  • An Aldori Aristocrat is proficient with all simple & martial weapons, light armour, Medium Armour and Shields.
  • At first level Aldori Aristocrats gain the Exotic Weapon: Duelling Sword feat and the Sword Scion trait. This replaces Heavy Armour.
  • Restriction: Only Aldori families of the right standing will have Aldori trained Aristocrats in their number.

Schooled Aristocrats

Later in history Finishing Schools were all the rage for young ladies of wealthy families, while The Grand Tour served to round out the young noble's education. This is my way of representing that.

A basic Curriculum for a Finishing School

Hansome’s College for Young Ladies - a typical finishing school graduate

pathfinder/npc_classes/aristocrats.1703681270.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/27 13:47 by johnb