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The Regent’s Charter.

Duke Noleski Surtova of Port Ice will act as the Regent of Brevoy. The Brevoy Council of Peers will consist of the Dukes of Greyhaven, Silverhall, Winterbreak, Eagle’s Roost and Stoneclimb.

  The Regent will not collect taxes from the other noble houses or independent cities, he will derive his income from the lands surrounding New Stetven.
  No Noble, Viscount, Governor or Lord Mayor shall be removed from their holdings, without the express consent of the Council of Peers.
  No Noble, Viscount, Governor or Lord Mayor shall be punished for their part in the ‘so called’ civil war.  Those disagreements have been resolved by this charter.
  The follow have been confirmed.
    - - Lady Jamandi Aldori is awarded the dormant title of Count of Rostland, and the commensurate lands.  These will be held in perpetuity.
    - - Lord Henry leMaistre becomes Baron Gates, based on his holdings at Newgate, Eastgate and Westgate, in the province of Midmarch.  These lands and titles to be held in perpetuity.
    - - Baroness Rogarvia-Green becomes Viscount Skywatch.
    - - Baron Gates becomes Viscount Midmarch.
    - - Restov is confirmed as an Independent City
    - - Tusk is awarded the status of Independent City.
  A new noble condition, Marcher Lord, is created. As with other nobles, Marcher Lords may not be taxed by the Regent, nor can their holdings be taken from them, without express permission from the Council of Peers.
  All Viscounts, Governors and Lord Mayors will be required to encourage and support the establishment of Marcher Lordships around the borders of Brevoy.
stolen_land/brevoy/regentscharter.1621847511.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/05/24 11:11 by johnb