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The Northern Reserve

This is part of Viscount Midmarch's administrative estate - profits and proceeds go towards the development and maintenance of the Midmarch infrastructure. This area, alongside the Thorn River and surrounding Fey-Home, has been declared as a wilderness district and left as nature intended. Rook Sanderson acts as Henry's representative in the Reserve, while Aris'ta Devo commands the troops based at Hunters Rest. Almost everyone here is a follower of The Green.

No Change June 2022

You may not wander in the reserve without permission from the Deputy Magistrate. You may follow the road though the northern corner of the reserve. You may not visit Fey-Home.

  • elkwall - A shrine to Erastil deep in the Narlmarch Forest. Rook Sanderson, a priest of Erastil, is in charge and oversees the Northern Narlemarch on Lord Henry's behalf.
  • Hunter's Rest - Is the main military base for the area and is commanded by Aris'ta Devo. It is also a safe-haven for hunters, and a home to many of their families. Scouts from Hunters Rest patrol the surrounding hexes. They all have skills in Profession:Hunter or Profession:Trapper. Hunter's Rest is a simple ring-work, set within the forest - it is surrounded by a low earth berm and ditch, that is filled with Fangberry bushes and blends in with the local terrain. There are a few sod houses and log huts, although some people live in permanently set-up tents inside the ring-work.
  • Estig - a great Shrine, dedicated to Erastil, that offers a safe stopping place for travellers on the Bar-Z to Westgate road.
  • Some areas of the Narlemarch reserve, especially the road that passes thought the north west corner, are patrolled by Troops from Westgate.
stolen_land/southernregion/narlmarch/northnarlmarch.1672819259.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/01/04 09:00 by johnb