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The Titles in use in Southern Region

Hereditary Titles

  • Baron - to attain this title, a character must control 15 Def Points, and is generally reserved for PCs. (Two NPCs hold the title - Henry leMaistre and Baron Cyrus of Ringbridge (an ex-PC).
  • Lord - This title is available to PCs and Cohorts who control at least 10 Def Points.
  • Lord-Dominus - This title is available to Entourage-Cousins and Enrourage-Allies who control at least 5 Def Points.
  • Laird - This land based title is available to any character who 'owns' a village or hamlet, regardless of whether they control Def Points or not.


  1. March-Lord & March Baron have the same precedence as others with the same title, except that they have no immediate overlord and can rule their estates (almost) as they see fit. See County Palatine.
  2. Should a Character attain the title and then (if the player leaves) becomes an NPC, the title will not be removed.
  3. Spouses of titleholders, take the same title as their spouse. However, they may also hold a lesser title in their own right.
  4. Should a Baron hold more than 15 Def points, they may allocate the extra Def Points to their cohorts and entourages, thus building a 'court' of lesser nobles.

Appointed Titles

  • Viscount - A Viscount is a normally senior Baron and is appointed by the King to oversee a province.
  • Lord Mayor - The Leader of a City, it fits somewhere between Lord and Baron in the order of precedence. The Lord Mayor might be elected (Independent City) or appointed by a noble.
  • Mayor - The Leader of a town, it has the same precedence as a Lord Dominus. The Lord Mayor might be elected (Independent Town) or appointed by a noble.
  • Governor - Appointed to lead a town, city or small region, on behalf of a Noble, it has the same precedence as a Mayor or Lord Mayor, depending on the size of the holding.
  • -
  • Lord Advisor - Appointed by Nobles and Lord Mayors to help run their cities and estates. They generally rank as Lord Dominus in the order of precedence.
  • Advisor - Appointed by lesser Nobles and Mayors to help run their towns and estates. They generally rank as Lairds in the order of precedence.
  • Elder - Senior Person in a subsidiary village or hamlet - they represent both the people of the settlement and their overlord.


  1. These are all appointed titles, and someone always has the right to replace the person in authority. It might be an electorate, the noble that appointed them in the first place, or the King.

Religious Titles

  • Lord Bishop - Senior Bishop across a state, region or province.
  • Bishop - senior cleric in a Cathedral
  • Abbot - Head of a large monastery
  • High Priest - Senior Priest of a temple
  • Prior - head of a small monastery.

Other Titles

  • Knight - Sir/Dame - Normally awarded via the Southern Chapter, but other orders might be recognised. It generally requires BAB-6 or an appropriate prestige class.
  • Swordlord - appointed by the Senior Swordlord of Southern, and generally requires BAB-6 or an appropriate prestige class.
stolen_land/southernregion/southerntitles.1674891749.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/01/28 08:42 by johnb