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Some suitable Commoner Traits

When a commoner levels up, they may gain one trait to represent life experience and basic, low level, training. They can never gain more than two traits in this way.

Standard Traits

Trait Advantage
River Rat+1 Dagger Damage and Swim+1
BullyIntimidate is a class skill and Intimidate+1
Convincing LiarBluff is a class skill and Bluff+1
Criminal 1 Disable Device is a class skill and Disable Device +1
Criminal 2 Sleight of Hand is a class skill and +1 on Sleight of Hand
Life of ToilYou gain a +1 trait bonus on Fortitude saves.
Poverty StrickenSurvival is a class skill and Survival +1
SuspiciousSense Motive is a class skill and Sense Motive +1
MinerAppraise is a class skill and Appraise +1
River FolkProfession (sailor) +2 and +2 on any skill checks involving ropes
SmugglerBluff +1 and Sleight of Hand +1

House Ruled Traits

Trait Advantage Note
Auxiliary 1 Proficient with Light Crossbow & Dagger: Prof(Soldier) +1 Military Assistant / Missile Support
Auxiliary 2 Proficient with Buckler (only) & Boarding Pike: Prof(Soldier) +1 Naval Support
MilitiaProficient with Long Spear & Darts: Prof(Soldier) +1 Local Posse
Militia2 Proficient with Long Spear & Light Crossbow: Prof(Soldier) +1 House Guard
Town WatchProficient with Club & Sling: Perception +1 Club for immediate protection, sling scares animals
Hunter Proficient with Light Crossbow & Dagger Survival +1 Small game hunting
ShepherdProficient with Club & Sling: Perception +1 Club for immediate protection, sling scares animals
Bandit (Commoner)Proficient with Club & Light Crossbow: Intimidate +1 -
Poacher Proficient with Club & Sling: Survival +1 Illicit small game hunting
Street GuideKnowledge Local is a class skill and Knowledge(Local) +1 -
House Keeper Craft(Cooking)+1, Craft(Clothing) +1 This could be a servant or a 'stay at home' husband/wife.
pathfinder/fst/commoner_traits.1692392181.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/08/18 22:56 by johnb