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Songs & Poems

The Ballad of Thistle's Top - Raven duKassen (Rise of the Runelords, RPoL)

The Boy - Owen ap Owen (Homebrew game)

Fishy Sticks - Owlbear (Skull & Shackles, Tabletop - written by Ari)

The Bars of Tusk - Wyn Roth (The Stolen Lands, RPoL)

The Dragon who lived in the Sewers - Wyn Roth (City of Valerez, Rpol)

Stream of consciousness - Jem (Starfinder Game, RPoL)

Steam Boat - Wyn Roth (The Northern Journey, RPoL)

legendarium/poems/start.1695024030.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/09/18 10:00 by johnb